Arms Workout!!!

12:08 PM

Hey Dolls,

I never really know what I am going to do when I get to the gym. Ever feel like that? I have tried to follow a workout routine, but then that feels like I'm obligated to follow it and I don't know about you, but I don't like feeling like I have to do anything!!! haha I want to do it because I want to do it! Am I right?

So this morning when I woke up and decided I need to workout my arms because I haven't really done arms in what seems like years. Then I just had to figure out what exactly to do. When I arrived at the gym I decided to hop on the treadmill for a little bit, just to get the juices flowing and get warmed up. I usually run for about 10 minutes and then have to start walking... not because I'm mentally weak but when I run on a treadmill I amp up the slope and run at my normal pace, which really wears you out even if its up by .5 degrees. So while I was walking I looked at pinterest for a workout idea and I found the below workout!

I split the workouts in three's, I did the ones that were in a similar location at the gym together. So for instance I did a set of Dumbbell Squat Thrusts, a set of Dumbbell Bench Press, and then a set of One Arm Dumbbell Row (each arm) and then I repeated it for a total of three sets.

Then I grouped another set of workouts together and so on. This way I wasn't bouncing all over the gym and didn't get bored doing the same workout over and over for three reps. It kind of switches things up.

I was only able to stick to 10lb weights and even dropped down to 5lbs and I'm feeling it. You have to start somewhere and the biggest accomplishment is starting!

Hope you feel motivated! Have any workout advice? Post it below! I love new ideas!


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