Goodwill Find - Fantastic Mirror!
7:44 PMRemember a while back when I promised changes were coming... yeah me neither!
haha... Actually to be honest its really just three or four posts before this one. Which is horrible, seeing as how I have promised changes and haven't shown any of them. But gosh!!! I'm human! And I am definitely one of those humans that loves to over obligate and put myself last!
So to make up for the poor business/ self-neglect I've decided to stay awake longer. hahaha sounds horribly silly doesn't it! Here's what has been going on:
I would wake up around 4:30am go to the gym, then to work, then come home, do the least amount of chores possible, and call it a night (don't judge) around 845pm. And then repeat. Then I'd get burnt out and wake up around 6am, miss the gym and follow the rest of my routine, keeping that 845pm sleep schedule! CRAZY!!!! right?! It might sound ridiculous, but I made a deal with my husband that I won't sleep until 9pm. Which means I won't even step foot in my bedroom, unless I need to clean or organize something, until its 9pm.
With that said.... you win! (aren't you excited?! jumping up and down thinking 'oh yes')
Today's project started on my lunch break at work. I bought this new fantastic mirror that needs some love and a new paint job: